Saturday, March 24, 2012

Parade March du Nain Rouge - March 25th

I historical forklore is alway intersting and this one has unique Detroit twist.  Each year, a parade is held to chase an evil red dwarf, Nain Rouge, from Detroit.  Folklore says that the city's founder, Cadillac, had an encounter with Nain Rouge in 1710.  Cadillac struck the dwarf with a stick and then had a change of fate for the worse.  The Nain Rouge continues to reek havoc in Detroit.  Each year, parade participants evict the Nain Rouge from the city. 
This year, we successfully chased the malevolent dwarf, Nain Rouge, from the city.  He will be back next year and we will be in costume to help save Detroit again.

This was a fun event and was appropriate for kids.  Throw on an old Halloween costume, a mask, or just some mismatched clothes.  Anything goes.

To read more about the history, or learm not about the parade: 

Click here to read Hour Detroit's Article on Marche du Nain Rouge

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