Monday, March 26, 2012

A Downtown Adventure: The People Mover and Riverwalk

I must confess that these pictures are from June 2010.  My son and I went downtown to celebrate his kindergarten graduation (and to get our Nexus cards).  It was his first ride on the People Mover and I let him get soaked in River Walk fountains.  Perhaps the coolest part of our trip is not pictured here though.  I asked a guard how to get to Coach Insignia because I wanted to take my son to the top of the Renaissance Center.  He said that the restaurant didn't open until 6pm and that I had just missed the last tour.  Some nice ladies who worked on the top floor of another tower overheard.  They volunteered to check us in as business visitors and took us up with them!   In case they ever read this....thank you!  My son loved his big trip to the city.  He has had many more trips since but I will always cherish this one.

Taking in the city on People Mover

Looking out the window at the People Mover takes us around downtown

Renaissance Center

Detroit River Walk

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