Friday, April 13, 2012

Detroit Symphonic Orchestra

The first time that I had the pleasure of attending a symphonic orchestra concert, I was living in Manchester, England.  A classmate had an extra ticket to see the touring Detroit Symphonic Orchestra (DSO).   He knew I was from Detroit so he offered it to me for free.  I accepted and was amazed.  I can appreciate most music but I was not expecting my reaction to the orchestra.  The music moved me.  If you have never tried it, keep an open mind.  You might be surprised.

I have always wanted to attend a concert in Detroit. This year, I am going.  It will be my husband's first concert so I am carefully choosing the right one.  I want him to return with me many times.

Anyone attending the Kid Rock and DSO concert on May 12th?   Does it get anymore Detroit than our native Kid Rock and the DSO playing in our city?  

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