Friday, June 15, 2012

Photographing Detroit

Detroit is loved by photographers.  The decay, the revival, often side by side, provide countless opportunities for striking photographs. 

Reveal Your Detroit Opens today at the Detroit Public Library and will run through August 15th.  The photographs were taken by local Detroiters, including more than 50 Detroit-based community organizations.  I have been taking sneak peeks at a small sampling of the photo submissions online at the but can't wait to check out the exhibit.  If you make it before me, please let us know what you think.

This morning, I got up at 4am and headed to downtown to take a stab at revealing my Detroit.  I purchased a DSLR camera about a month ago.  I have always had a point-and-shoot so using the camera is a little like learning to speak for me.  With my camera, a large cup of coffee, and my newly gained knowledge from reading "Understanding Exposure", I managed to get the following pictures.  Both should have used a tripod so they aren't perfect, but hey, I had the camera in manual mode and managed to get a decent photo.  :-)

MGM Grand Detroit

Ren Cen from between Comerica Part and Ford Field

As I mentioned in my 'about me' intro when I started the blog, I was raised in a Detroit  suburb and almost never came to Detroit until about a 2 years ago.  Although, I am in Detroit a lot now, I still found being a woman alone a little intimidating.  I hope I get more confident (while remaining alert and safe) as my photography practice continues in Detroit.  I saw quite a few shots that I think could have been impressive but they either would have required me to park and walk alone for a ways or park in an area that seemed a little rough.  I was little too chicken to do it.  Rarely was there anyone on the street, but that is what made it so intimidating.  When I did see someone, I wondered why they were there.  Anyone else experience this?  How do you do it?  A photography buddy?

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